Time is limited.


Posted on By Sifan Guo


“自由自由,天下古今几多之罪恶,假汝之名以行!”( 原文“O Liberté, que de crimes on commet en ton nom ! ”,梁启超《近世第一女杰罗兰夫人传》译文。

不过也有另一种说法: The actual expression used is said to have been “O liberté, comme on t’a jouée!”—”O Liberty, how thou hast been played with!” Exclaimed when on 8 November 1798 Roland mounted the scaffold, and was tied to the fatal plank, lifting her eyes to the statue of Liberty, near which the guillotine was placed. Helen Maria Williams: Letters Containing a Sketch of the Politics of France, Vol. 1, London 1795. p. 201 books.google

thou hast = you have hast, in the past, is the second person singular form of the present tense of “have”


说到底,中国只在乎祖宗留下的基业,永远把人民对美好生活的向往作为奋斗目标。凭什么在中国人均水平仍落后的时候就告诉中国应该知足了,难道developing country不正是应该保持developing么?